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Customer Testimonials

''Paul was very prompt and efficient. Pleased with the job that was done and very pleased with how he cleaned up - Paul even moved the dryer and washing machine back into the laundry - that was very much appreciated but not expected. Thanks very much.''

Mandy, Pennant Hills 

Paul was amazing! He turned up on time and fixed our job quickly. Great Handyman! Thanks Paul :-)

Sarah, Cromer

Paul did such a wonderful job assisting me with odd jobs around the home. I would highly recommend his services.

Kate, Balmain

Paul was on time, efficient and on price and his wife Susie provided excellent client service and good advice on the job. We will definitely use them for future work and will recommend to neighbours and friends.

Raymond, Cremorne

Paul was excellent in service and quality of workmanship, and reasonable on price. He went the extra mile to ensure I had extra jobs I had put off doing myself done while he was there. I recommend him highly.

Kara, Rozelle

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